© Annelies Strba

Annelies Strba
Pictures from the Video DAWA - NYIMA

For several years, Annelies Strba's photographic work was a private memoir, but that was before the artist started to show it publicly, ten years or so ago. The fact that her oeuvre has opened up hasn't altered the course of the portraits and situations with figures are concerned.

The distinctive feature about Annelies Strba is that she broadcasts timeless, overall visions from simple situations. Her photos are like a slowed-down area of time, calmed, found in the midst of the present-day world, with its social, sexual and musical aspects... and its speediness.

It's a world that also appears in her oeuvre in tandem with the world that deals with people close to her. For the past two years, this aspect of her work, Kobe, Chernobyl, the Berlin Love Parade and so on, has been transcribed into a movement by videos, whereas previously the photos of "the world outside" were almost always taken from a car, or a train, or even through the TV screen.

The secret power contained in Annelies Strba's work when it was discovered by the public.

The actual exhibition shows pictures from the recent videos "DAWA - NYIMA", which are also on show together with the most recent video "New York 2001", which shows Annelies Strba's emotional reflection on the desaster of September 11th, 2001.

Ausstellungsdauer: 2.12.2001 - 26.1.2002
Oeffnungszeiten: Di-Fr 14 - 18 Uhr, Sa 13 - 17 Uhr
und nach Vereinbarung

semina rerum
Irène Preiswerk
Cäcilienstrasse 3
8032 Zürich
Telefon 01 251 26 39
Fax 01 251 34 19
E-Mail ipreiswerk@bluewin.ch
