© Clare Goodwin
"tv-group", Kartonschachteln bemalt, 2001

Clare Goodwin
Nam June Paik Un-Plugged by Clare Goodwin

Nam June Paik Un-Plugged by Clare Goodwin - is a remake of Nam June Paiks "Fish Flies on the Sky" (1975).

Hung faced down, on the ceiling of the Garage, 88 formal, reductivly painted cardboard boxes replace the 88 television monitors in which Paik originally wanted to create and stimulate the atmosphere of the sea and sky.

Clare Goodwins adaptation of this piece challenges the "father of video art" and forces a viewing beyond the multi-media image, looking more towards the structural qualities of video installation and shows what happens once the plug is pulled.

Ausstellungsdauer: 17. - 19.5.2002
Oeffnungszeiten: Sa/So 14 - 17 Uhr

Sihlquai 125 (im Hinterhof)
8005 Zürich