David Row #563 Rumours 2000, bei Brandstetter & Wyss Zuerich

David Row - Sensory Information

This group of work is about the possibilities for contextualizing abstraction.

Images of all kinds are abstract, regardless of subject or content, but we learn to rea them subjectively because we are drawn to their content. The images in this group of work are personal to me. Some are from my photographs, some hand made, most are derived from nature, but some are from man-made models and structures.

Language itself is coded, made strictly visual, within the work. The juxtaposition of an abstract painting (blown-up and experienced through a universal medium) to a series of screened images (overlapping in an interplay of language) becomes the conduit for

Abstraction developed as a means of clarifying what was intrinsic to painting. As technology allowed for other means to produce literal images, abstraction invented its own reason for being, in relationship to other media. But, just as language doesn’t exist in a vacuum, abstraction becomes meaningless without a context. Its meaning is the context, and without that original relationship, the context dies. At its best, language (verbal or visual) communicates our feelings and our relationship to the world. This becomes the challenge to abstract painting, and the challenge within my own work.

This work is the beginning of my efforts to embrace that problem through a broader and more personal communiqué within the work. The goal is to express a basic emotion through layers of more complex/more specific images. The useful images come from previous manifestation of the work, but are more pivotal, more apparent. The media used is also recycled, just made more visible, more accessible, and more pertinent to the message. Yet I acknowledge the ultimate abstract nature of all communication, the potential for miscommunication, and the inherent abstraction of visual information. Between the audience and the artist, the media truly effects the communicated message.

David Row, November 2000

Ausstellung: 25.11.2000 - 13.1.2001
Oeffnungszeiten: Di-Fr 12-18 Uhr, Sa 11-16 Uh

Galerie Brandstetter & Wyss
Limmatstrasse 270
8005 Zürich
Telefon: 01 440 40 18
Fax: 01 440 40 19
E-Mail: galerie@brandstetter-wyss.comr


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