© Esther Bubley

Untitled (dalmation watching Captain Kangaroo on TV), 1950's

Esther Bubley

Stephen Cohen Gallery announces an exhibition of black and white images created by one of the true pioneers of photojournalism, Esther Bubley.

In looking at the breadth of her long career as a photojournalist, one cannot escape the fact that she worked very well with people - putting their humanity front and center - whether it was a soldier sleeping in a bus station waiting to return home or workers repairing the Brooklyn Bridge.

Bubley, a protégé of legendary Roy Stryker, worked with him on his ongoing document of American life, a project which he started at the FSA, moved to the Office of War Information (OWI) and continued after the war under the auspices of the Standard Oil of New Jersey (SONJ). Notable among the SONJ stories are two Bubley projects, the 1945 portrayal of the oil town Tomball, Texas and the 1947 "Bus Story" which explored the role of long-distance bus travel in rapidly-changing American life. Images from these stories are included in this exhibition along with other significant work from from the 40s and early '50s.

The show will take place in conjunction with the publication of "Esther Bubley on Assignment" published by Aperture, which will be available for purchase at the gallery.

Exhibition: May 12 - July 2, 2005
Gallery hours: Tues-Sat 11 am - 5 pm

Stephen Cohen Gallery
7358 Beverly Boulevard
USA-Los Angeles CA 90036
Telephone +1 (323) 937 5525
Fax +1 (323) 937 5523
Email sc@stephencohengallery.com


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