© Marika Seidler & Michelle Eistrup
Marika Seidler & Michelle Eistrup: "Housing spirits", 2002
video installation

"let's crystallize"

Marika Seidler (DK) & Michelle Eistrup (DK/US/CARIB), Celina Gonzalez Sueyro (ARG), Morten Schelde (DK) & Gabriela Albergaria (POR)

In "let's crystallize", Sparwasser and the participating artists deal with different ways of breaking with traditional systems of knowledge, broadening this arena to include expertise and fields of study aside from that of verified science or western cosmology. Personal experience, belief, faith and individual perception are all valid systems of producing meaning, showing a general human need to interpret the world and communicate these thoughts.

The reality of postcolonialism is characterized by the contact between different cultures and continents, a break with old systems of domination, and a re-examination of western enlightenment as the primary world model. "Let's crystallize" shows different ways of entering other spheres of meaning, trying to see from the inside - inside another belief, another world, and another person.

The pursuit for meaning also becomes a search for ways of expression. It is through the breaking of boundaries between the here and there, the you and me, that the visual becomes a room for communicating subjective knowledge.

In the exhibition "let's crystallize" the cooperation between people becomes a way of sharing perception. This kind of collective production is evident both in the project by Marika Seidler and Michelle Eistrup, "Housing Spirits", which combines art practice with sociology and the inside knowledge of Vodoun practitioners, as in the collaboration between Gabriela Albergaria and Morten Schelde in the piece "A room of ones own".

In contrast Celina Gonzalez Sueyro works alone, but in her work "Hunt picnic" the combination of different layers seem to conjure up the existence of a new reality in her installations.

Common to all the participants is the narrative element in their work. Narration means inventing "a truth", creating a basic set of rules from which we can navigate. Linking things together, narration makes our reality.

In Seidler & Eistrup's videos, storytelling is a form of consolidating a collective reality. Through interviews we hear many versions of the same experience, establishing an almost scientific proof of the existence of (sexual) relationships between the living and the dead. We step in and out of different layers of interaction, unsure where the boundaries lie between these realms. In the end, we find ourselves looped in the possibility of being a participant in this existence.

Seidler & Eistrup's installation "Le Soleil de Minuit", consists of one video projection, and in the adjacent room three videos are available as an archive on a small screen.

In Gabriela Albergaria and Morten Scheldes work "A room of ones own", the viewer is torn between a concrete physical space and an imaginary one. The work questions our notion of reality. Can we talk about the "other" world, the abnormal and phantasmagoric? Or do fairy tales and the illogical represent ideas reaching back to the most obscure of our conceptual enterprise?

The collaboration of the two artists at Sparwasser HQ in the form of a drawing has a history going back to 2001, when both were invited by curator Henrikke Nielsen to show together at Galerie Kamm, Berlin.

In her work, "Hunt Picnic", Gonzalez Sueyro establishes a scenery of characters through her scenografic installation. A product of pure ecstatic thought? She tells stories, that could hardly be told in a three hour theater play.

With small changes in the room, like cut up wallpaper or cut outs from street posters mounted to stand as figures in a three dimensional collage, she carries us into a story of unpredictable coincidences.

Ausstellungsdauer: 26.10. - 23.11.2002
Oeffnungszeiten: Mi-Fr 16 - 19 Uhr, Sa 14 - 18 Uhr

Sparwasser HQ
Offensive for contemporary art and communication
Torstrasse 161
D-10115 Berlin
Telefon +49 30 218 03 001
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E-Mail mail@sparwasser.de
