© Tomoko Sawada

Tomoko Sawada

In Japan, there is a tradition of arranged marriages (omiai). This involves young women having their photographs taken at a professional portrait studio.

These pictures are distributed to trustwohrty relatives by the women's parents in the hope that a suitable husband will be found.

From this tradition Tomoko Sawada realises a series of 30 self-portraits.

Ausstellungsdauer: 6.6. - 27.7.2002
Oeffnungszeiten: Mi-So 12 - 19 Uhr und nach telefonischer Verabredung

Galerie p - Contemporary art gallery
rue des Eperonniers 71
B-1000 Brüssel
Telefon +32 2 542 11 12
Fax +32 2 648 20 72
E-Mail galerie_p@phonecom.be
