© Jon Kessler

The Palace at 4 A.M., 2005-06
Courtesy Sammlung Falckenberg
Foto: Egbert Haneke

Jon Kessler
The Palace at 4 A.M.

Click for English text

Louisiana har lukket et teknologisk monster ind i udstillingssalene. Jon Kesslers installationsværk "The Palace at 4 A.M." er et larmende termitbo af overvågningskameraer, mere end hundrede monitorer, kilometervis af kabler, gigantiske posters og mekaniske skulpturer. Kort sagt et politisk monumental-værk, der giver frit løb for den globale paranoia efter terrorangrebet 11. september 2001 og invasionen i Irak.

"The Palace at 4 A.M." er Kesslers absolut mest ambitiøse produktion til dato. Det blev skabt i 2005 til PS1 Contemporary Art Center i New York og var med til at genplacere ham som en af USA's væsentligste samtidskunstnere, efter en næsten 10-år lang pause fra midten af 1990'erne.

Jon Kessler er selv new yorker og bor få gader fra Ground Zero, hvor angrebet 11. september 2001 på et øjeblik resulterede i et nyt blik på verden.

Mødet med Kesslers installation er som at gå ind i en labyrint af krigsnyheder fra Irak, indholdstomme tv-programmer, reklamer, propaganda og filmklip. Værket breder sig både udad og indad, fylder udstillingsrummet helt ud og trænger helt ind i dem, der vover sig ind i det. I informationsstrømmen opstår huller og mutationer, der får os til at indse billedernes magtfulde betydning. Intet er skjult og der er ingen steder at gemme sig.

Værket er navngivet efter et af Alberto Giacomettis surrealistiske hovedværker fra 1931.

Jon Kessler er født i Yonkers, New York i 1957. Han udstillede første gang på Artists Space i N.Y. i 1983 og har siden udstillet på museer og gallerier i USA, Europa og Japan. Kessler er professor i billedkunst på Columbia University.

Nykredit er sponsor for LOUISIANA CONTEMPORARY
DONG Energy er hovedsponsor for Louisianas udstillinger
Realdania er sponsor for Louisianas arkitekturudstillinger.

Udstilling 9. april - 25. maj 2008

Museets åbningstider Tirsdag - fredag kl. 11-22.
Lørdag og søndag kl. 11-18. Mandag lukket.

Louisiana Museum of Modern Art
Gl. Strandvej 13
DK-3050 Humlebæk
Tlf +45 4919 0719
Fax +45 4919 3505
Auto info +45 4919 0791
Billetbestilling +45 4919 0720
Email mail@louisiana.dk


Jon Kessler
The Palace at 4 A.M.

On 9th April Louisiana lets a technological monster into its exhibition halls. Jon Kessler's installation work "The Palace at 4 A.M." is a noisy termite's nest of surveillance cameras, more than a hundred monitors, kilometres of cable, giant posters and mechanical sculptures. In short, a monumental political work that gives free rein to the global paranoia after the terrorist attack of 11th September 2001 and the invasion of Iraq.

The "Palace at 4 A.M." is absolutely Kessler's most ambitious production to date. It was created in 2005 for the PS1 Contemporary Art Center in New York and helped to re-situate him as one of the USA's most important contemporary artists after a break of almost ten years from the mid-1990s on.

Jon Kessler is himself a New Yorker and lives a few streets from Ground Zero, where the attack of 11th September 2001 resulted, in an instant, in a new view of the world.

The encounter with Kessler's installation is like walking into a labyrinth of war news from Iraq, TV programmes empty of content, commercials, propaganda and film clips. The work spreads both outward and inward, fills the exhibition space completely, and penetrates all the way into those who dare to enter. In the flow of information, there arise gaps and mutations that make us see the powerful meaning of images. Nothing is hidden, and there is nowhere to hide.

The work is named after one of Alberto Giacometti's Surrealist masterpieces from 1931.

Jon Kessler was born in Yonkers, New York, in 1957. He exhibited for the first time at Artists Space in N.Y. in 1983, and since then has exhibited at museums and galleries in the USA, Europe and Japan. Kessler is a professor of visual art at Columbia Universit

Nykredit er sponsor for LOUISIANA CONTEMPORARY
DONG Energy er hovedsponsor for Louisianas udstillinger
Realdania er sponsor for Louisianas arkitekturudstillinger.

Exhibition 9 April - 25 May 2008

Opening hours Tues-Fri 11 am - 10 pm,
Sat and Sun 11 am - 6 pm
Mondays closed.