© Philipp Keel

Kiss, 2003
C-print, 55.8 x 37.3 cm

Philipp Keel
Aisa - Images from an Imaginary Continent

Click for English text

Die Galerie Judin freut sich, in der ersten Ausstellung von Philipp Keel 88 Photographien aus der Serie "AISA - Images from an Imaginary Continent" - Eindrücke von einer Reise, die so nie stattgefunden hat - zu präsentieren.

"It must be amazing to visit India, South America or Asia. Somehow, the wish to explore these places has created a feeling of being home sick for something I don't even know. Aisa is not Asia. Aisa is a continent without tourists, a place where nothing makes sense - and everything is beautiful. One day, I'll visit Asia."

Der in Los Angeles lebende Schweizer Künstler und Autor Philipp Keel studierte am Berkley College of Music und der Hochschule für Fernsehen und Film in München. 1998 erschien sein Buch "All About Me", das sich zu einer internationalen Bestseller-Serie entwickelt (es folgten u.a. "All About Us", "All About My Cat", "All About My Dog" und "The Teenage Edition"). Das photographische Werk Keels wurde erstmals im 1999 erschienen Band "Look At Me" publiziert. Der 2004 vom Steidl Verlag präsentierte, monumentale Band "COLOR" ist die bisher umfangreichste Sammlung von photographischen Werken Philipp Keels. Zur Zeit arbeitet er an seinem ersten Spielfilm.

Die 88 ausgestellten Photographien sind Unikate (Edition 1/1) und werden im Juni als Buch publiziert.

Ausstellungsdauer: 29.4. - 8.6.2005
Oeffnungszeiten: Di-Fr 14 - 18.30 Uhr, Sa 11 - 16 Uhr

Galerie Judin
Lessingstrasse 5
8002 Zürich
Telefon 043 422 88 88
Email info@galeriejudin.ch


Philipp Keel
Aisa - Images from an Imaginary Continent

Galerie Judin is very pleased to present its first exhibition with works by Philipp Keel. "AISA - Images from an Imaginary Continent" is a series of 88 photographs - impressions of a journey that never took place.

"It must be amazing to visit India, South America or Asia. Somehow, the wish to explore these places has created a feeling of being home sick for something I don't even know. Aisa is not Asia. Aisa is a continent without tourists, a place where nothing makes sense - and everything is beautiful. One day, I'll visit Asia."

Los Angeles based Swiss artist and best-selling author Philipp Keel studied at the Berkley College of Music and worked in advertising for several years before being accepted at the Hochschule für Film und Fernsehen in Munich in 1993. His book of questions "All About Me" was first published in 1998 and has since become an international best-selling series (including "All About Us", "All About My Cat", "All About My Dog" and "The Teenage Edition"), with over two million copies in print. In 2004, Steidl published the monumental "COLOR", the most comprehensive presentation of photographic works by Philipp Keel to date. Currently he his working on his first feature film.

The 88 exhibited photographs in the exhibition are unique prints (edition 1/1). They will be reproduced in a book scheduled to be published in June.

Exhibition: April 29 - June 8, 2005
Gallery hours: Tues-Fri 2 - 6.30 pm, Sat 11 am - 4 pm