Santiago Sierra - Galerie Peter Kilchmann - Zürich

Santiago Sierra
Neue Photographien und Videoarbeiten

We are happy to invite you to the show of Santiago Sierra. It is the second solo show at Peter Kilchmann Gallery of the 1966 in Madrid born and since 1995 in Mexico City living artist.

Many of Sierra's works are performances made during the opening night of exhibitions. They either leave traces on the exhibition space or are later displayed as documents on video or photographs.

Sierra's new residence in Mexico City had the effect of intensifying the social perspective in his work. In 1998, Sierra made his first work involving a person: a 30-cm long line was tattooed on a man's back. With the introduction of persons, the titles of the works acquired a new dimension: reference to "remuneration". In Sierra's works, remuneration is linked with inequality. He hires people who need money, for whom involvement in the work may be dangerous, or people who are simply willing to do anything for money. Homeless, unemployed, asylum seekers, migrant workers, drug addicts and prostitutes have all served as hired "material" for Sierra's works. The content of import of the works in which they are involded is not necessarily of any consequence to them.

In the exhibition will be on display several documentation of past performances, like the one you see on the invitation card:

Banner suspended in front of a cove. - Cala San Vicente, Mallorca, August 2001. Santiago Sierra's text to this performance is : In the island of Mallorca there is a large population of German speakers, owners of land, services, media and political power which in many cases displaces the local population due to the increasing dependency of the island's economy on tourism. As a second part of the piece done in Basel, ("Banner held outside the entrance to an art fair"), the same banner was hung from a rock wall that surrounded the cove. A couple of hours later, and responding to complaints, the town council removed the banner, creating a paradox since it was the same entity who organized the event. After some negotiations, the banner was reinstalled and was taken away some hours after, this time without knowing who did it. ("Inländer raus" means "Natives out" and plays with the xenophobic German slogan "Ausländer raus" ("Strangers out").

Ausstellungsdauer: 13.4. - 18.5.2002
Oeffnungszeiten: Di-Fr 12 -18 Uhr, Sa 12 -16 Uhr

Galerie Peter Kilchmann
Limmatstrasse 270
CH-8005 Zürich
Telefon +41 1 440 39 31
Fax +41 1 440 39 32