"Untitled" (Twins) ("Rock, Scissors, Paper" series) 30" x 40" (76.2 x 101.6 cm) Color C-print under Plexiglass Stuart Hawkins "Rock, Scissors, Paper" peres projects is pleased to present the West Coast premiere of New York based artist Stuart Hawkins. This exhibition will feature recent and new color C- Print photographs from Hawkins' ongoing "Rock, Scissors, Paper" series. This will be our last SF exhibition before the gallery relocates to our new space located at 969 Chung King Road in Los Angeles' Chinatown district in the spring! Hawkins' photographs address the comedy of what it means to be human. Nearly cartoon like in appearance, they resist meticulous realism in a playful aesthetic that implies a naiveté common to the human experience. Though a sense of expectancy exits in each image, it is as if they are caught in a holding pattern where the human compulsion to establish systems of order reveals a desire to assuage feelings of futility. Focusing on an array of subjects from soccer players, TV camera men, young kids, empty boxes, singers to toilet paper, Hawkins explores the world around her making the commonplace unexpected. In her images a new language is formed as numerous different meanings cross and enter into relationship with one another. Though the pictures are not staged and are from the "real" world, one is often curious to know, "Did this really exist?" Hawkins work has recently been in "Next Next" curated by Dan Cameron at the Brooklyn Academy of Music in Brooklyn, NY as well as at Priska C. Juschka Fine Art, Brooklyn, New York, which was chosen as a "critics pick" by ArtForum critic Jordan Kantor. Hawkins is a 1999 Rema Hort Mann Foundation Grant recipient. February 1 March 1, 2003 Hours: We-Sa 12 am - 6 pm peres projects 1800 Bryant Street Suite 210 USA-San Francisco, California 94110 Telefon +415 861 26 92 Fax +415 480 18 04 E-Mail: info@peres-projects.com www.peres-projects.com |