Gerda Steiner & Jörg Lenzlinger: Samen sind Raumschiffe. Wachsende Samen betreiben Raumfahrt / Seeds are space ships. Growing seeds do space travel Visions of Paradise Candice Breitz, Calc, Com&Com, Décosterd & Rahm, Kendell Geers, Lutz & Guggisberg, Robin Rhode, Gerda Steiner & Jörg Lenzlinger, David West, Hannes Wettstein, Sue Williamson What do contemporary visions of paradise look like? Since the creation of our future starts with the expression of visions focusing on a "better life", and since these utopias are always rooted in private experiences, it's of biggest social and artistic interest to look at artists' personal "visions of paradise". Therefore the exhibition's focus lies on the variety of visualizations of such personal "paradises", combining fine arts with a big diversity of cultural expressions as architecture, corporate/ product/ fashion design, advertising, economy, social networking, etc. The interdisciplinary approach of the show is reflected in the catalogue which will be part of the existing thematic magazine "CH". And vice versa, the offer of all kinds of intellectual and cultural disciplines in the magazine / catalogue will challenge and enrich the reading of the show. The show "visions of paradise" is a show commissioned by Pro Helvetia South Africa. Insofar the artists come from Switzerland and South Africa, but the show is NOT about nationalisms and NOT about exoticism or any kind of "otherness". The collaboration of Swiss and South African artists is exemplary for other kinds of relations in the world in general in order to show an interesting and creative variety of future oriented, "paradisical" visions as they are developed by people from two very different nations in the world living wherever their heart, their business needs, their dreams or their fears guided them to live in. Media: The show is a combination of spatial investigations with installations, photographs and video. The works will mostly be made exclusively for the show and its theme. Curated by Karin Frei, Zurich, Switzerland. "Visions of Paradise" has been sponsored by: Pro Helvetia, Stanley Thomas Johnson Foundation, Präsidialdepartement der Stadt Zürich, Switzerland. Exhibition: March 9 - 31, 2004 Gallery hours: Tue-Fri 10am - 5pm, Sat 10am - 2pm Gallery Joao Ferreira 80 Hout Street Cape Town 8001, South Africa Telephone +27 21 423 54 03 Fax +27 21 423 21 36 Email |